Andrew’s Rheinezimmerschlaf…
Actually worked with…..the Rheinmaidens won’t swim mit me if I show off my dolphin…
I thought I'd add this music, not as self-promotion but then no self is not somehow interesting in this crazy world. But- I was thinking/and talking to a great musician who I hope (as he does) will be a brilliant scientist. And thought of many things. The late, beautiful, great Marvin Hamlisch (sounding American I know…but it is true) and writing words and music. Musing over Jerry Herman and Stephen Sondheim, And was playing Sunday in the Park with George the other day on the piano and realized just how close are some Broadway colleagues even though they seem some ways apart. A few notes in C, in F major but add some wondrous words, and magic is forever created. Forever legend. (now I'm sounding like a Warner Brothers press release…he she he…;)
If one knows the raison d'être of Sondeim's Follies, then I think my interpretation is very close to that bone. I knew and was excruciably frustrated with some of those ladies who lunched. But we were always once young. And beautiful in some way or other. And forever will be old.
That's what I wanted to homage….
Being Alive/The Ladies who Lunch from Company (music and lyrics-Stephen Sondheim)
piano/vocals Andrew Lucre
I hate you, Ricky Gervais, for keeping me alive! I think I can, I think I can,I think I can,I think I can,
(Stole that from King Lear…)I hope Dante’s most horrible circle of hell makes you air kiss cable celebrities and forcibly make u read their auto-biographies. (Probably written by me!…)